Saturday, September 13, 2014

I love how the building 
just seems come out of the ground. 

Please excuse my Google earth image of the surface image of the water fixture in front of the Eccels. For some reason the staff and faculty did not want me on the roof of the building.
Here I see the Law of Pragnanz.
I walk past this fountain every day and have always seen it as a triangle - a simple form - or maybe even as a diagonal line; but as I was taking pictures for this project I wondered what it looks like from the top?
Maybe it is just me, but if you stare at this image it starts to look like a music note. 
 As the ceiling panels cascade smaller and smaller, I see The Law of Continuity 

The Law of Proximity is in play here. The announcement boards are all grouped together.

Law of Similarity: all the practice rooms and offices are all grouped together throughout the building.

In the band room there is a great example of the Law of Closure. The white beam appears as one beam the entire way around the room.

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